Tuesday, July 7, 2009

uptu off campus counselling | UPTU On Campus On-line Counseling

uptu counselling, uptu off campus online counselling 2009, uptu counseling 2009, uptu offline counselling, uptu online counselling Procedure

Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) counselling procedure is divided in two phases- UPTU Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling and UPTU Phase-II: On-Campus On-line Counselling.

The Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling will be held between 05-07-09 TO 08-07-2009 and the Phase-II On-Campus On-line Counselling will be held between 10-07-09 TO 17-08-2009.

For a detailed information on UPTU online counselling, you can refer to http://seeuptu.nic.in/PROCEDURE.asp
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bstc 2009 cutt off marks | bstc cut off list | bstc2009 cut of marks

cut off marks of Rajasthan bstc/NTT2009, BSTC NTT BSTC (SNASKRIT) ENTRANCE 2009 GCA www.bstcgca.com

BSTC 2009 Examination Result has already been declared. The results of Rajasthan bstc/NTT2009 exam can be obtained from the official website of BSTC GCA Ajmer, http://bstcgca.com/

For information related to bstc 2009 cut off marks and score list, you can log on to the official website and seek the latest news and information.
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rajasthan board ajmer 10th result | rajasthan class Xth result 2009

Ajmer Board 10th result 2009, Rajasthan Class Xth exam 2009 results, Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education Ajmer

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer, will announce the rajasthan board class 10th exam result on July 7, 2009.

According to information received, Ajmer Board class Xth exam 2009 result will be available on the official result website of Rajasthan government, http://rajresults.nic.in/
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Madras University Result 2009 | Madras University Revaluation Result

Madras university, madras university revaluation mba result, revaluation mca result, madras university revaluation m.sc result

According to the available information Madras University declared its revaluation results for MCA, M.SC (IT) and MBA courses 2009.

Students can get their result from the official website.

For result and more information on Madras University Result 2009 | Madras University Revaluation Result kindly visit this space or the official website - http://results.unom.ac.in/mba_mca_msc-it.html
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RPET 2009 Result | Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Results

Rajasthan technical university result, tru rpet result 2009, rajasthan preengineering result, rajasthan pre-engineering result 2009

Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) conducted a Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test (RPET) on 18th June 2009.

According to the available information the Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Result will be announced soon.

For more information and latest updates on RPET 2009 Result | Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Results kindly visit this space or the official website - http://techedu.rajasthan.gov.in/
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CEPT Ahmedabad Merit List And Result 2009 | CEPT University Merit List And Results

Centre for environmental planning and technology results, cept merit list 2009,

Centre For Environmental Planning And Technology (CEPT) Ahmedabad offers programs in the areas of natural and built environment.

According to the available information CEPT declared its results and merit list for its postgraduate courses.

For results and more information on CEPT Ahmedabad Merit List And Result 2009 | CEPT University Merit List And Results kindly visit the official website - http://cept.ac.in/main.php?pageid=18&rt=r
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BSNL JTO 2009 Result | BSNL Junior Telecom Officer Result

Bharat sanchar nigam ltd, bsnl junior telecom officer result 2009, bsnl jto competitive exam result, jto electrical result, jto civil result 2009

Bharat Sachar Nigam Limited (BSNL) conducted a competitive examination on 21st June 2009 to fill in the vacancies for Junior Telecom Officer (JTO).

According to the available information the result of the examination will be announced soon.

For results and more information on BSNL JTO 2009 Result | BSNL Junior Telecom Officer Result kindly visit the official website - http://www.bsnl.co.in/company/job.htm
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MK University Result 2009 | Madurai Kamaraj University Results

Mku undergraduate results, mku post graduate result, mk university u.g result 2009, mk university p.g result 2009

According to the available information Madurai Kamaraj University declared its Undergraduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) Courses Results.

Students can obtain their results from the official website.

For results and more information on MK University Result 2009 | Madurai Kamaraj University Results kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.mkuniversity.org/results_new.php
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RGTU Results 2009 | Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Results | RGPV Results

Rgtu b.pharmacy result, rgtu 8th semester results, rajiv technical university admissions 2009, rgtu 2009 b.pharmacy results, RGPV Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya M.P.

Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU) situated in M.P is one of the best technical universities in India.

According to the available information the Rajiv Gandhi Technical University declared its B.Pharmacy 8th Semester results.

Students can get their results from the official website.

For more information And latest updates on RGTU Results 2009 | Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Results | RGPV Results kindly visit the official website - www.rgtu.net
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Roshani Nadar | Roshni Nadar CEO Of HCL

Hcl corporation, roshani nadir, new ceo of hcl, ceo of hcl rosshani nadir, roshi nadar

The Founder of HCL Mr. Shiv Nadar completed his sucession planning by appointing his daughter Ms. Roshani Nadar as the Executive Director and CEO of HCL.

“She took over in the new post from April,” Mr Nadar told newspersons at the SSN College of Engineering on the outskirts of Chennai.

Ms. Roshani is a post graduate in Social Enterprise Management and Strategy from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management.

Ms. Roshani Nadar will be responsible for strategic decision making at HCL and she will also be involved in brand building across the HCL Group.
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Haryana HSCS DET Results | diploma results of det in haryana 2009

Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET Result, Haryana diploma result 2009, Haryana HSCS DET & DIET exam 2009 result

Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS has announced the Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET examination 2009 result.

Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS, under the Department of Technical Education of Haryana government conducted the DET and DIET entrance test on June 21 and June 28, 2009.

harayana DET & DIET exam 2009 was conducted for polytechnic admission in diploma in engineering, diploma in engineering lateral entry, diploma in pharmacy and diploma in management.

You can get the results at http://www.hscs.in/Result.aspx
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CSJM Kanpur University BA, BCom, BSc Exam Results

Chatrapati Shahu Ji maharaj kanpur University/CSJM has announced the result of BA, BCom, BSc Examination 2009.

Chatrapati Shahu Ji maharaj kanpur University BA, BCom, BSc results have been announced for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year exams. You can view your results at http://www.kanpuruniversity.org/results/results.asp
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bhu pmt mains 2009 result | bhu pmt main exam results 2009

Banaras Hindu IMS/Institute of Medical Sciences will announce the BHU PMT/Pre medical main examination 2009 results on July 2, 2009.

The first stage of BHU PMT pre exam was held in the month of June. BHU PMT pre exam was the screening test for sorting out only a few candidates to sit in the eassy type BHU PMT main exam.
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Himachal Pradesh University BA Results 2009 | Compartment & Full Subject result

Himachal Pradesh University has announced the B.A. (Pass Course) IIIrd Year Examination March 2009 results for both compartment and full subjects.

Himachal Pradesh University BA results for English, Political Science, Hindi Elective, Economics, History, Mathematics, Sociology, Sanskrit Elective, Music, Geography, Home Science, Pub Administration, Physical Education, Philosophy, Tourism And Travel Management have been announced,

Himachal Pradesh University BA Examination 2009 results are available on its official website http://hpresults.nic.in/
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Manupur University Exam results | Manupur University results 2009

Manipur University has announced the results of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 3rd Year exam 2009 Examination Results. The following results have been announced. You can get your Manipur results by logging on to http://manipuruniv.ac.in/examinations/examination_results.htm.

Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.A. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.A. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Sc. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Sc. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Com. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Com. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 Biotech.
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Bits Admission 2009 | Bitsat Result

Bits pilani admissions, bitsat result 2009, bits admission, bitspillani, bits pillani admission schedule

According to the available information Bits Pilani declared BITSAT result 2009.
Candidates can get their result from the official website.

For result and more information on Bits Admission 2009 | Bitsat Result kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.bitsadmission.com/bitsat/CANDIDATESCORE/Appno.asp
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UP Polytechnic Result 2009 | UP Poly Results And Admissions

Polytenic counseling, politecnic admissions 2009, bteup polytechnic admissions, polyadmissions uttar Pradesh, polytechnic allotment, up polytechnic 2009 results,rank list, uttar pradesh polytechnic entrance exam result, polytechnic admission schedule

Uttar Pradesh Board Of Technical Education was set up on in May 1958. The name of the state Board was changed to "Board Of Technical Education" in 1962.

According to the available information the Uttar Pradesh Board Of Technical Education will declare its Polytechnic Result on 4th July 2009.

For results and more information on UP Polytechnic Result 2009 | UP Poly Results And Admissions kindly visit the official website - http://bteup.com/
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Sliet Longowal Admissions 2009 | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

Slient admissions, slient longowal courses, slient engineering courses, m.tech courses

Sant Longowal Institute Of Engineering and Technology institute was established by Ministry Of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Govt. of India in the year 1989 and was formally inaugurated on 20th December 1991.

The institute offers courses in various branches of technology and engineering. It offers courses at certificate, diploma, m.tech, pg and degree level.

For more information and latest updates on Sliet Longowal Admissions 2009 | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology kindly visit the official website - http://www.sliet.ac.in/
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MLSU Result 2009 | Mohanlal Sukhadia University Results

Mlsu u.g results 2009, mohan lal sukhadia university b.sc third year result, mlsu 3rd year results 2009, mlsu under graduate result 2009

Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur is one of the prestigious and largest university of Rajasthan.

According to the available information MLSU declared its B.Sc 3rd Year U.G results. The examination was conducted in April 2009.

The results are available on the official website.

For results and more information on MLSU Result 2009 | Mohanlal Sukhadia University Results kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.mlsu.ac.in/mlsu_result.asp
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Periyar University Result 2009 | Periyar University U.G Results

Periyar university admission, periyar university examination schedule, periyar university results 2009

According to the available information Periyar University declared its U.G results. The exams were conducted in april-may 2009.

Students can get their results from the official website.

For more information and latest updates on Periyar University Result 2009 | Periyar University U.G Results kindly visit the official website - http://www.periyaruniversity.ac.in/
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Uttarakhand technical University Counselling | UPTU Counseling 2009

Uttarakhand technical University Counselling 2009, Uttranchal technical University Counseling

Uttarakhand technical University has already announced the results of Uttarakhand technical University entrance exam.

According to the information available on the official website of Uttrakhand technical University, counselling for UTU Uttranchal will be held in the first week of July after NIT counseling.
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JNU Results | JNU Combined Entrance Exam Results 2009

JNU Results, Jawaharlal Nehru University , JNU New delhi Results, JNU Combined Entrance Results, JNU Exam Results 2009

Jawaharlal Nehru University popularly known as JNU has announced the results of Combined Entrance Examination result for Admission to courses like M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Agriculture/ Veterinary Science and M.Tech. Biotechnolgy 2009-2010. To get more information on JNU Combined Entrance Examination Results - 2009-2010, you can visit the below link.

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JNU Results | JNU Combined Entrance Exam Results 2009

JNU Results, Jawaharlal Nehru University , JNU New delhi Results, JNU Combined Entrance Results, JNU Exam Results 2009

Jawaharlal Nehru University popularly known as JNU has announced the results of Combined Entrance Examination result for Admission to courses like M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Agriculture/ Veterinary Science and M.Tech. Biotechnolgy 2009-2010. To get more information on JNU Combined Entrance Examination Results - 2009-2010, you can visit the below link.

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Periyar University UG Results | Periyar University Exam Results 2009

Periyar University UG result 2009, Periyar University UG Exam Results

According to the latest information available on the official website of Periyar University results, the University will soon announce the results of UG exam, which was held in the months of APR / MAY - 2009.

For the latest updates on Periyar University UG exam results, you can visit the website of Periyar University results, periyarresults.org.in
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BHU UET/ PET Entrance Exam Results 2009 | Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Results

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has announced UET / PET Entrance Examination Results 2009. BHU PET exam result of B.Com. (Hons.) / B.Com. (Hons.) (FMM), B.A. (Hons.) Social Sciences, B.A. (Hons.) Arts, B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics Group can be seen at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) results website, bhuresults.nic.in
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DSC 2009 results | AP DSC 2009 results | dsc2009 results

DSC 2009 result, AP district selection committee 2009 result, Andhra Pradesh DSC 2009 exam result

The results of DSC-2009 (district selection committee), Andhra Pradesh, has been announced on June 30.

After the DSC 2009 exam result is announced, over 56,000 teachers would be appointed.

Andhra DSC 2009 result can be obtained at www.aponline.gov.in
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Irfan Pathan Girlfriend | Irfan Pathan Girlfriend Marriage

Irfan pathan wedding, irfan pathan and shivangi dev, irfan and shivangi marriage, irfan pathan marriage

Indian All rounder Irfan Pathan who was bowled over six years back is set to marry his long time friend Shivangi Dev who is a chartered accountant by profession in Australia is also a dance teacher.

Pathan, first met Shivangi and fell in love in Canberra, Australia during a practice match in 2003. Initially there were some resistance from the families and it has been sorted out and they have finally given their nod . Marriage date and venue has not been finalized yet.

It’s a decision that could break millions of heart but we wish them all the very best. May the new romantic ball swing well for both of them.
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PSST COUNSELING | Rajasthan pre shiksha shastri counselling

rajasthan university psst COUNSELLING, Rajasthan PSST 2009 counselling, Pre Siksha Shastri Rajasthan, PSST siksha sastri

Rajasthan University, jaipur, which conducted the PRE SHIKSHA SHASHTRI EXAM-2009, has announced the results of PSST EXAM-2009.

It is time now for Rajasthan PSST counselling. For information and queries related to rajasthan Pre Siksha Shastri counselling and seat allotment, you can visit the official website of PSST 2009, http://www.psst2009.com
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Saurashtra University B.ED Result 2009 | Saurashtra University Admission And Merit List

Saurashtra university Rajkot result, b.ed result 2009, saurashtra university bed result 2009, saurashtra university merit list, Rajkot admissions 2009

According to the available information Saurashtra University announced B.Ed Semester I and II results.

The results of examinations conducted by this university will be available online as well as on mobile phone through SMS services. These services will be available on mobile connection of Hutch, Idea, AirTel, Reliance and BSNL.

For result and latest updates on Saurashtra University B.ED Result 2009 | Saurashtra University Admission And Merit List kindly visit this space or the official website – http://www.saurashtrauniversity.edu/enr/showresults.php
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BSE Orissa Exam Result 2009 | Board Of Secondary Education Orissa Results

Bse Orissa result, Orissa board secondary result 2009, bse result 2009, Orissa exam result

The Board Of Secondary Education, Orissa is a corporate body constituted under the Orissa Secondary Education Act, 1953.

According to the available information Board Of Secondary Education (BSE) Orissa will announce its BSE Orissa 2009 (A) results on 30th June 2009 at 9 a.m.

For result and more information on BSE Orissa Exam Result 2009 | Board Of Secondary Education Orissa Results kindly visit this space or the official website - http://orissaresults.nic.in/
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Symbiosis Institute Of Technology Merit List 2009 | SIT Admission and Merit List | SIT Counseling

Symbiosis Institute Of Technology counseling, sit merit list 2009, simbiosis institute admissions, b.tec merit list, pune b.tech result, pune merit list, pune b.tec counseling, counceling calendar

According to the available information Symbiosis Institute Of Technology (SIT) Pune declared its merit list for admission to B.Tech courses on 29th June 2009.

Students can get their results from the official website.

Symbiosis Institute of Technology Admission / Counseling Calendar 2009

Announcement of Merit List (Round I) at SIT, Pune and on the website Monday, June 29, 2009

Last Date for payment by the Round I candidates, For First installment of Fees Saturday, July 4, 2009

Announcement of Merit List (Round II) at SIT, Pune and on the website Monday, July 6, 20099

Last date for payment by the Round II candidates, For First installment of Fees Saturday, July 11, 2009

Announcement of Merit List (Round III) at SIT, Pune and on the website Monday July 13, 2009

Last date for payment by the Round III candidates,For First installment of Fees Saturday, July 18, 2009

Reporting to College - Saturday & Sunday,August 1st & 2nd , 2009
Induction Programme - Monday, August 3rd , 2009
Programme Commencement - Tuesday, August 4th , 2009

For result and latest updates on Symbiosis Institute Of Technology Merit List 2009 | SIT Admission and Merit List | SIT Counseling kindly visit the official website - http://sit.siu.edu.in/
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Dr MGR University Results 2009 | MBBS Rank List 2009 | MBBS Counseling

Tnhealth merit rank list, tn health, pg diploma health education result 2009, directorate of medical education tamilnadu, dr mgr university results. Tnhealth counseling, dr mgr university counseling, mbbs councelling

According to the available information Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University announced its PG Diploma in Health Education Results.

In the merit list there were nine students those scored 200/200.There are 1,483 seats in government medical colleges and 348 seats are part of the government quota in private medical colleges. Another 560 seats are available with private, self-financing medical colleges in the State.

The cut-off mark for OCs alone this year is 197.25. Last year’s cut-off was 196.75. The other cut-off marks will be announced later. A total of 85 BDS seats are available in the Government Dental College and 783 seats are available in 11 private dental colleges.

The first phase of counseling will begin on 4th July 2009 to 9th July 2009. The candidates will be called as per merit, and allotted seats of their choice, based on availability of seats and colleges, following the rule of reservation. Individual call letters will also be sent to the students.

For result and latest updates on Dr MGR University Results 2009 | MBBS Rank List 2009 | MBBS Counseling kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.tnmmu.ac.in/results.htm
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AMHMCM APGH CET 2009 Result | APGH – CET Results

Cet result 2009, amhmcm result, apgh result 2009, apghcet result 2009,

According to the available information the results of the APGH-CET (Regular & External)Common Entrance Test for Admission to Post Graduate MD (Hom.) in the Unaided Private Homeopathic Medical Colleges in Maharashtra conducted by the Association of Managements of Homeopathic Medical Colleges in Maharashtra will be declared on 29th June 2009.

The result will be available on the official website.

For latest updates and more information on AMHMCM APGH CET 2009 Result | APGH – CET Results kindly visit the official website - http://www.amhmcm.org/
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Pune University Result 2009 | Pune University B.ED Result

Pune university bed result 2009, pune university b.ed result, pune university results

According to the available information Pune University has declared Results of 2009 Bachelor of Education B.Ed (General) Examination.

Students can get their results from the official website.

For result and more information on Pune University Result 2009 | Pune University B.ED Result kindly visit the official website - http://www.unipune.ernet.in/
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assamuniversity.nic.in | Assam University 2009 Result

assam university tdc part iii science result, tdc part iii arts result, tdc part iii arts result, tdc part iii commerce results 2009

According to the available information Assam University has declared results of 2009 examinations of under graduate Arts, Science and Commerce streams.
Students can obtain their results from the official website.

For results and more information on assamuniversity.nic.in | Assam University 2009 Result kindly check this space or the official website – www.assamuniversity.nic.in
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osmania.ac.in | edcet 2009 result

edCET 2009, ap ed-cet, Andhra Pradesh edcet results, edcet merit list, ap b.ed result 2009

Education Common Entrance Test (EDCET) is conducted by Osmania University (OU) for candidates who want to take admission in B.Ed courses in Andhra Pradesh.

According to the available information EDCET Result will be announced on 29th June 2009.

For result and more information on osmania.ac.in |edcet 2009 result kindly visit this space or the official website - http://osmania.ac.in/
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Dibrugarh University Result 2009 | Dibrugarh University TDC Part 2 Results

Dibrugarah university ba result 2009, b.com results, tdc part II results, b.sc results

According to the available information The Dibrugarh University has annouced the result of TDC PART-II EXAMINATION, 2009. The Result had been announced for Part - II
students of B.A. , B.Sc. and B.Com. The result is disclosed for both regular as well as private candidates.

Students can obtain their results from the official website.

For results and more information kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.ceemedu.org/tdctwo.htm
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Landrover.in | Tata Land Rover

Landrover sport, land rover discovery, price of landrover, land rover prices

Along with jaguar, the automobile firm Tata Motors also announced the launch of Landrover in India. Saying it was a momentous occasion for the company, chairman Ratan Tata said, "This is in keeping with our desire to extend the penetration of the brands in India."

The chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover Mr David Smith said, "The luxury car market in India is very small, but there is a huge opportunity there. It is growing fast and we expect it to grow fast over the next 5 to 10 years,"

Land Rover will initially be launching three vehicles including the Range Rover Sport and Land Rover Discovery 3, with prices also starting at 6.3 million rupees but going beyond 9 million.

Land Rover Discovery 3 At A Glance

•Discovery 3 is powered by an advanced 2.7 litre TDV6 common-rail diesel
•Land Rover's Terrain Response® system provides expert settings for all driving conditions
•Discovery 3 features four-corner independent Air suspension with electronic cross-linking and variable ride height
•Discovery 3 features seven full-size adult seats in three rows

Range Rover Sport At A Glance

•Range Rover Sport is our most performance-orientated vehicle yet.
•Range Rover Sport is available with a powerful twin turbo V8 diesel engine (TDV8) or supercharged V8 engine .
•Range Rover Sport features 6-speed automatic transmission.
•Range Rover Sport features a contemporary, dynamic cockpit interior with various leather and wood options.
•Terrain Response® optimises the settings for gearbox, throttle, air suspension and traction control to suit tarmac, sand, snow, mud, boulders and more.

For more information and latest updates on Landrover.in | Tata Land Rover kindly visit the official website – www.landrover.in
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Jaguar.in | Tata Jaguar

Jaguar xf, jaguar xk, tata jaguar, price of jaguar, jaguar price,

Tata Motors India’s largest vehicle maker , which controls about 60 percent of the world's fifth-biggest truck and bus market, announced the launch of Jaguar on Sunday.

Jaguar is launching the XF amd XK range of luxury coupes and convertibles in India starting at a price tag of 6.3 million rupees ($130,977) and going up to 9 million rupees.

The Jaguar XF fuses sports car styling and performance with the refinement, features and space of a luxury saloon. Contemporary, individual, and expertly crafted, the XF embodies the Jaguar philosophy of creating beautiful, fast cars and defines a new driving experience: Sporting Luxury.

In 2009, Jaguar expands the XF range to introduce the pinnacle of the range, the 510bhp XFR alongside new engine and trim level additions.


•XF is the first expression of Jaguar's new design language in a saloon car.
•Joining the XF in 2009 is the 510 PS XFR.
•Coupé-like lines belie the amount of space. There is room for five adults in comfort, generous interior stowage and a boot capacity up to 540 litres (with Tyre Repair System fitted).
•Interior design theme expresses contemporary, sporting luxury – emphasised by 'surprise and delight' features such as the JaguarDrive Selector™ and the rotating vents; through the use of sophisticated new materials and lighting systems.
•The best torsional stiffness in class delivers both refinement and dynamic performance.
•A range of two engines, all featuring Jaguar's proven six-speed automatic transmission with steering wheel mounted 'paddles' for manual gear selection.

For more information and latest updates on Jaguar.in | Tata Jaguar kindly visit the official website – www.jaguar.in
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GTU GCET 2009 | Gujarat GTU GCET admission and hall tickets

Gujarat technical university, gujrat common entrance test, gtu gcet, gcet results 2009, gcet 2009 details, Gujarat university results, Gujarat mba entrance, gcet mba, gcet mca, gcet hall tickets, gcet admissions

According to the available information for the academic year 2009-2010 Gujarat Technical University (GTU) will conduct an entrance test Gujarat Common Entrance Test(GCET) for admissions in MBA and MCA courses in all most all the colleges in Gujarat.

GCET will be a computer based test which will be taken on the intranet of the test centers between 1st July 2009 to 15th July 2009.

The exam hall tickets will be available from 28th June 2009.

For more information and latest updates on GTU GCET 2009 | Gujarat GTU GCET admission and hall tickets kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.gtu.ac.in/
Link for Hall Ticket
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Karnataka diploma result 2009 | Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Results

Karnataka result 2009,diploma results Karnataka 2009,Karnataka dte board,Karnataka politechnic result,Karnataka polytenic result 2009

According to the available information Directorate of Technical Education(DTE), Karnataka declared their polytechnic examination results.

Students can get their results from the official website.

For results and more information on Karnataka diploma result 2009 | Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Results kindly visit this space or the official website - http://smartdte.in/ResultNEW/resultnew.aspx
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Kerala Polytechnic Result 2009 |Poly Admissions And Results 2009

Polytenic counseling,politecnic admissions 2009, polyadmissions kerala, polytechnic allotment, kerala polytechnic 2009 results, provisional rank list, rank list, kerala polytechnic entrance exam result, polytechnic admission schedule

According to the available information admission into polytechnic’s in Kerala for the year 2009 - 2010 has begun.

Kerala Government has created a website that provides details about the Results, Examination Dates, Examination procedure, Entrance Exam Result, Rank List, Provisional Rank list, Counceling and Allotment for Polytechnic Admission.
As per the information Provisional Rank list & Trial Allotment will be published online on the website on 27th June 2009.

Polytechnic Admission Schedule 2009-10 -

Publication of Provisional Rank list & Trial Allotment : 27th June 2009
Last date for Appeal & Submitting Revised Options : 1st July 2009
Publication of Final Rank List & First Select List : 4th July 2009
Date of Admission based on First Select List : Up to 9th July 2009
Publication of Second Select List : 14th July 2009
Date of Admission based on Second Select List : Up to 18th July 2009

For latest information and updates on Kerala Polytechnic Result 2009 |Poly Admissions And Results 2009 kindly visit the official website -
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Pune University BCA Result 2009 | BBA Result 2009 | Pune University Results

Pune university bba result, bca result, bbm result, bft result pune university, pune university 2009 result,

According to the available information Pune University declared its BCA, BBA, BBM and BFT results on 27th June 2009 at 3:00 pm.

Students can obtain their results from the official website.

For results and more information on Pune University BCA Result 2009 | BBA Result 2009 | Pune University Results kindly visit this space or the official website - http://www.unipune.ernet.in/result_pages/APRIL2009/index.html
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PTET 2009 Counselling | PTET2009 Counseling | Jai Narayan Vyas University PTET Counseling

PTET rajasthan counseling off, JNV university jodhpur, pre teachers entrance test counselling, jnvu ptet councelling, ptet counceling,jnvu rajasthan counciling

As soon as the PTET results will be declared, the government of Rajasthan will schedule PTET B.Ed 2009-2010 counseling.

The counseling will be spread over in different rounds.The dates will be soon updated after they are declared.

For more information and updates on PTET 2009 Counseling | PTET2009 Counselling | Jai Narayan Vyas University PTET Counseling kindly visit the official website - - www.ptetjnvu.org
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PTET 2009 CutOff | PTET2009 Cut Off | Jai Narayan Vyas University PTET Cut - Off

PTET rajasthan entrance cut off, JNV university jodhpur, pre teachers entrance test cutoff, jnvu ptet cut – off

According to the available information JNVU is likely to announce its PTET 2009 results. As soon as the results are announced, PTET Cut Off list for 2009 will be made available on the official website.

For more information and latest updates on PTET 2009 CutOff | PTET2009 Cut Off | Jai Narayan Vyas University PTET Cut – Off kindly visit the official website - www.ptetjnvu.org
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PTET 2009 Result | PTET2009 Result | Jai Narayan Vyas University PTET Results

PTET rajasthan entrance result, JNV university jodhpur, pre teachers entrance test result

Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur started its operations on 24th August 1962. Four government colleges became a part of the university.
JNVU (Jai Narayan Vyas University) conducted its PTET (Pre Teachers Entrance Test) on 7th June 2009.

According to the latest information JNUV is likely to announce its PTET results in the coming days. The result would be available on the official website. All the best.

For more information and latest updates on PTET 2009 Result | PTET 2009 Result | Jai Narayan Vyas University PTET Results kindly visit the official website - www.ptetjnvu.org
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RBI Recruitment 2009 RBI Jobs Apply Online Details

RBI Recruitment 2009 : Reserve Bank of India Recruitment update;
RBI Jobs, RBI recruitment Details, Application download, www.rbi.org.in application online
RBI prospectus, RBI online application download. Jobs details, Grade B jobs

Recruitment for officers in Grade 'B' (DR)
Available Posts of Grade 'B': 79
APPLICATION FEE (NON-REFUNDABLE) : Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) for each application. No fee is payable by SC/ST/PH candidates. Fee is payable by Demand Draft favouring Reserve Bank of India and payable at Mumbai only.

Selection will be through Written Examinations (WE) and Interview.
Written Exam will be conducted on 11-October-2009

Application are invited for the Grade 'B' in Reserve Bank of India (RBI/Bank)
The Eligibility details, and prospectus: see here

Download Application:

The Application Form can be download from RBI Website
visit the Following link:

Last date rbi recruitment 2009: App. should reach the Board's Office on or before 6.00 P.M. on August 24, 2009.
Prospectus, vacancies and application and many more updates pls visit
the link: rbi recruitment 2009, rbi, reserve bank of india,
RBI Official site Link: www.rbi.org.in
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FBT Tax Abolished By Finance Ministry In Budget 2009-10

Good news in Budget 2009 from Ministry of Finance India
FBT Tax Abolished By Finance Ministry In Budget 2009-10; This is good news for employees who takes enjoys advantage of company schemes like yearly shares.
Fringe Benefit Tax abolished; finance minister Pranab Mukherjee has abolished the fringe benefit tax and commodity
transaction tax.
However, Minimum Allocation Tax (MAT) on book profits has been increased from 10 percent to 15 percent, but with a provision of carrying forward the tax credit on MAT to 10 years from the current seven years. reports TOI
what is fringe benefit tax or FBT?
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is the taxation of most, but not all fringe benefits, which are generally non-cash employee benefits. The rationale behind FBT is that it helps restore equity and fairness to those employees who do not receive such benefits, and allows a Federal Government to more fairly assess taxpayer entitlement to government benefits, or liability to government taxes or levies.

General Budget 2009-10

The Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has proposed to abolish Fringe Benefit Tax on the value of certain fringe benefits provided by employers to their employees. This was announced by Shri Mukherjee, while presenting the Union Budget for the year 2009-10 in Lok Sabha today. He also proposed to extend the sun-set clauses for deduction in respect of export profits under Section 10A and 10B of the Income Tax Act by one more year i.e. for the Financial Year 2010-11. However, the Finance Minister proposed no changes in the Corporate Tax rates.

read more from PIB press Release about Fringe Benefit Tax and Commodity Transaction tax to be abolished
One more Good news in Budget 2009 from Ministry of Finance India is
Budget 2009 Income Tax Slab Increased

Finance Minister of india Pranab Mukherjee said to increase in income tax exemption limit for senior citizens by Rs.15,000, for women and others by Rs.10,000 each,
The exemption limit will now be Rs.240,000 for senior citizens, Rs.190,000 for women and Rs.160,000 for others. Income tax exemption limit increased, corporate tax rate unchanged
budget 2009, budget 2009 india, budget 2009 live,
Watch Budget 2009 live - On ET NOW
www.budgetlive.economictimes.com. The Budget coverage will be powered by ET NOW on both channels till 2.30 pm,

1. check out budget 2009 highlights, and
2. Live union budget live, union budget, union budget 2009 10, union budget 2009, union budget 2009 highlights ndtv, budget 2009, economic times, budget, budget live 2009
3. Here is railway budget 09 highlights.

what is fringe benefit tax, fringe benefit tax india, fringe benefit tax calculation, fbt tax, surcharge on income tax
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JEECUP Results 2009 UP Polytechnic Exam Result 2009

Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP) was to declare Polytechnic Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) 2009 Results on July 10, 2009.

U P Polytechnic Joint Entrance Examination 2009 Results
Likely to be announced on 10th July 2009

up polytechnic entrance exam 2009 websites

* www.upresults.nic.in
* www.upgov.nic.in
* www.jeecup.org

The www.jeecup.org site is the official website of JEECUP. JEECUP gives you information for admission. JEECUP also gives you a list of courses and institutions. JEECUP also provides you with the examination schedule and the examination results.

up polytechnic entrance exam, up polytechnic, up polytechnic results, up polytechnic result 2009,
jeecup, jeec, up polytechnic result 2009, up polytechnic result, up polytechnic JEECUP 2009 UP Polytechnic Result 2009 JEECUP ResultsUP Polytechnic Result 2009 at www.jeecup.org
UP Polytechnic Entrance Test Results 2009
U P Polytechnic Joint Entrance Examination 2009 Results ; one can get results ON SMS also from above sites,.
UP Polytechnic Result 2009 will be declared on 10th July 2009 according to www.jeecup.org .
UP Polytechnic Entrance Test Results 2009 will be declared on 10th July according to www.upresults.nic.in
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RBSE Rajasthan Ajmer Board 10th Results 2009 Online

RBSE Class X results out,

About RBSE merit List:- In its highest ever pass percentage, as many as 73.15% students under Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) have passed the, Class X examination, the merit list of which were announced on Sunday. The overall results will be announced on Monday.
Jaipur's Ravi Khandelwal has topped the exams while Vikas Kumar of Sikar and Vikesh Singh of Jhunjhunu bagged the second and third positions respectively. While Ravi scored 97.17% marks, Vikas got 96.83% and Vikesh scored 96.17%. RBSE merit list reports TOI

Rajasthan board 10th result will be declared on 7th july 2009 , previously it was expected to be declared on 28 June; merit list was declared yesterday.

rajasthan board 10th result : Ajmer Board 10th result 2009

check result at following sites

1. rajeduboard 10th results

2. rajresults ssc results

3. indiaresult rajastan 10th result

rajasthan board roll number, rajasthan patrika, rajasthan board 10th result 2009, rajasthan, rbse ajmer
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Michael Jackson Virus & Spam Spreads On Internet

I don't think this news is a Hoax as it is coming from Yahoo

Jackson virus and spam spreads on Internet;
San Francisco, July 3 (DPA) Security researchers warned Thursday of the increasing levels of viruses and spam using Jackson's name to snare unsuspecting users.
One e-mail carries the subject line 'Remembering Michael Jackson' was circulating with a worm in tow. The e-mail has a zip file attached that infects victims if downloaded.

'The e-mail, which claims to come from sarah@michaeljackson.com, says that the attached ZIP file contains secret songs and photos of Michael Jackson,' Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, wrote on a blog. 'However, the reality is that opening the attachment exposes you to infection - and if your computer is hit you
will be spreading the worm onto other Internet users.'
Cluley said that the malware also spreads via USB memory sticks. Another e-mail promises an exclusive look at a YouTube video of the 'last work of Michael Jackson,' but instead installs a malicious program that steals passwords. reports yahoo.
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RPET 2009 results or RPET result 2009 are expected to be declared soon by Board of Technical Education Rajasthan ( BTER ). The RPET 2009 result will be declared website of BTER - techedu rajasthan gov in at http://techedu.rajasthan.gov.in/RPET/RPET.htm RPET 2009 result will be decalred soon

Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test - RPET 2009 Results from RTU ie Rajasthan ... for update on the RPET 2009
RMAT 2009,RPET 2009 results,

rpet 2009, rpet, rpet result, rpet rajasthan, rpet result 2009
updates from indiaresults.com
Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test - RPET 2009 Results from RTU ie Rajasthan Technical University;

RPET 2009 Exam was conducted on 18 june. Rajasthan Technical University regarding Result of RPET. result of RPET any time soon.
for update on the RPET 2009 Exam result please visit :
RPET 2009 at http://techedu.rajasthan.gov.in/RPET/RPET.htm
http://techedu.rajasthan.gov.in/images/Logo.jpgcontact RPET 2009 Result
The Coordinator
Board of Technical Education Rajasthan
Phone: 0291-2632446 (6 PM to 9 PM)
RMAT 2009,RPET 2009 results, rpet, rpet result 2009, rpet 2009, rpet result, rpet 2009
Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test - 2009 was conducted for admission to first year of undergraduate programms leading to Bachelor's degree in different disciplines of Engineering (B.Tech. / B.E.) in various Govt. aided and Private unaided technical institutions of Rajasthan (except BITS Pilani, MNIT Jaipur and other Deemed & Private Universities) for the session 2009-2010.
rpet2009 results.
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India Rail Budget 2009 Highlights Online Lok Sabha TV

Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee announced a slew of measures including the development of fifty world class stations and introducing double decker coaches for inter-city travel.
Apart from that other measures which have been announced include introducing of Girl child scholarship for Group B employees.

WebCast Lok Sabha TV. Please install the Real Player to view the webcast. HOME · High Speed · Lok Sabha TV Channel Schedule ...
loksabha.nic.in Lok Sabha TV (LSTV), formerly Doordarshan Lok Sabha, is a satellite TV channel

Railway Budget 2009 Highlights

• New scheme called 'Ijjat' for low income monthly travel

• Freight loading fell short of target

• Unrealistically high targets of Interim Budget not sustainable

• Railways to develop cold storages for farmers to store vegetables and fruits

• Unrealistically high targets of Interim Budget not sustainable

• Railways making efforts with Department of Heavy Industries for takeover of ailing wagon manufacturing units like Burn Standards

• 18,000 wagons to be acquired during the current year

• Better representation to be given to minorities, women and the economically backward in railway recruitment

• Superfast parcel express trains to be started on a pilot basis between Delhi and Chennai and Delhi and Mumbai.

• Launch of premium parcel service between 3 stations

• Railways to lease out more land for commercial purposes

• Special recruitment drive to fill up physically challenged posts

• Metro Rail Hopsital in Tollygunj to be upgraded

• Hospitals to be developed for railway staff

• Women commandos in key routes to be increased

• Girl child scholarship for Group B employees

• Mobile ticketing vans to be introduced

• Ramps, special bogeys for physically challenged passengers

• To introduce double-decker coaches for inter-city travel

• Unreserved ticketing terminals to be expanded from 5000 to 8000

railway budget, railway budget 2009 highlights, railway budget live, budget 2009, budget 2009 india
Railway stocks pick up steam
At 10:15 am, shares of Kalindee Rail Nirman climbed 2 per cent to Rs 228, Titagarh Wagons advanced 1.75 per cent to Rs 447 and Texmaco gained 1.66 per cent to Rs 122.45. rail budget;rail budget 2009, budget india, rail budget live, lok sabha tv, budget 2009;
KK Birla Group company Texmaco, which is in the business of wagon manufacturing, gained 2.53 per cent to hit a high of Rs 123.50 within minutes of opening trade. Kalindee Rail Nirman rose by 2.80 per cent to Rs 229.30. Titagarh Wagons gained 2.62 per cent to Rs 450.80. Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML) gained 2.15 per cent at Rs 1,105, Hind Rectifiers, the manufacturer of rectifier equipment and semi-conductor devices, rose by 5.27 per cent to Rs 64.95.

Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee in the budget for 2009-10 is likely to put the dedicated freight corridor on fast track and is expected to carry out some revision in passenger fares and remove superfast charges that has come in for flak. source
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MKU Results 2009 at webdunia Results of Madurai Kamaraj University

Update on MKU Results 2009 at webdunia Results of Madurai Kamaraj University
Madurai Kamaraj University Exam Results mku results 2009 at webdunia results

madurai kamaraj university exam results, madras university results april 2009 ,mku results 2009 updates
madurai kamaraj university exam results updates Madurai Kamaraj University declared M.A. Economics Semester Resutls April 2009 yesterday, Today Madurai Kamaraj University UG & PG Results will be declared check out results from results.webdunia.com

Exam Results 2009 | Board Exam Results 2009 | University Exam ...
Exam Results 2009, Board Exam Results 2009, University Exam Results, Exam Results India, 2009 India Results, CBSE Results, CBSE Class 12th Results, ...
University of Madras is a premier university in Chennai. It is one of the oldest university in India.
madras university results, madras university results april 2009, webdunia results, mku results 2009, madurai kamaraj university exam results

Visit Madurai Kamaraj University site at www.mkuniversity.org/ for recent updates.
Madurai Kamaraj University, located in Madurai town (in southern Tamil Nadu, India) established in 1966,
Madurai Kamaraj University, or simply Madurai University / Kamaraj University was named after the historical city of Madurai,
Directorate of Distance Education website:www.mkudde.org

contact University of Madras
Chepauk, Chennai-600 005,
Tamil Nadu, South India
Fax: 91-44-25367654
good luck to students of madras university results april 2009,
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Pandharpur Yatra Aashadhi Ekadashi Warkaris On the Way with Dindi

The Ekadashi of Ashadhi is the eleventh day of the fourth month of the Hindu calendar which has a lot of religious significance among the Hindus in Pandharpur and all over Maharashtra.

ASHADHI EKADASHIThe Shri Vithal temple situated at Pandharpur in Maharashtra is an important seat of the Bhakti cult, unifying a large number of Hindu devotees belonging to various castes and sub-castes in Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Every year Goan Hindus go on a pilgrimage to Shri Vithal temple at Pandharpur on Ashadi Ekadashi. This tradition is deeply rooted in history for more than 600 years. It is believed that Vataba Dulba Rane Morlekar from Morle-Sattari and other devotees used to visit Shri Vithal temple of Pandharpur on the occasion of Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi.
Chief minister of Maharashtra done first puja at the Pandharpur temple early morning today. His prayer was for good rains this year in Maharashtra, as there are very less rains this year in Maharashtra, and all warkaris are also hoping same from vitthala. our vidhoba, panduranga must listen to our prayers.
The famous Pandharpur Yatra culminates on this day at the Vitthala Temple in Pandarpur. In 2009, the date of Ashadi Ekadasi is July 3. Railway has announced few special trains for this day the train will run from Amravati to Pandharpur on June 29 and 30 and on July 3 and 4.
This is the day of the huge "yatra" or pilgrimages to the god Vithoba of Pandharpur, a town in south Maharashtra, situated on the banks of the Bhima River, a tributary of the Krishna River.
Places to visit in Pandharpur
Namdeva chi payari
The child Namdev was always an ardent devotee of Vithoba. the first step in the temple at Pandharpur is called "namdev chi payari".
Vithoba temple, Pandharpur is the main center of worship for the Hindu deity Vithoba, believed to be a local form of god Krishna or Vishnu and his consort Rakhumai. It is the most visited temple in Maharashtra. The warkaris start marching from their homes to the temple of Pandharpur in groups called Dindi to reach on Aashadhi ekadashi and Kartiki ekadashi. A dip in the holy river Chandrabhaga on whose banks Pandharpur resides, is believed to have power to wash all sins.
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Economic Survey 2009 The Economic Survey 08-09 of India Summary

The Economic Survey of India 2008-09 summary
The fallout of the global financial crisis on the Indian economy has been palpable in the industry and trade sectors and has also permeated the services sector. The economy continues to face wide-ranging challenges— from improving its social and physical infrastructure to enhancing the productivity in agriculture and industry and addressing environmental concerns.
At the same time, the Indian economy has shock absorbers that will facilitate early revival of growth. First, the banks are financially sound and well capitalized. The foreign exchange reserves position remains comfortable and the external debt position has been within the comfort zone. For the complete reading please visit http://indiabudget.nic.in/es2008-09/esmain.htm

The Economic Survey while recommending a disinvestment target of Rs 25,000 crore annually, said that the government should sell a minimum 10 per cent stake in all unlisted public sector enterprises and auction those that can't be revived.
On the growth of Indian economy in the current fiscal, Ficci said the Survey has offered a confident outlook for the Indian economy in 2009-10 that it should grow by average 7 per cent to 7.5 per cent.
repots BI

economic survey 2009, economic survey 2008 09, economic survey india, economic survey 08 09, economic survey of india
Presented by the Finance Minister, the economic survey is basically what the Govt wants to do over the next few years, not just in the forthcoming Budget but in the ensuing months.
How will the Govt ensure that fertiliser subsidy go to the farmer directly? How will the Govt know which home has no electricity or LPG to give them kerosene subsidy.

economic survey 08 09, economic survey of india, economic survey 2009, finance ministry, economic survey
Previous years economic survey.

1. 2007-2008
2. 2006-2007
3. 2005-2006
4. 2004-2005

Check out The Economic Survey report Economic Survey 2008-09.
The Economic Survey was good but even Dalal Street knew that this was just a wish list, which is why after going up excitedly, the indices soon tumbled down.
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Building Collapse In China Shanghai due to tofu-dregs

building collapse in sanpada, mumbai is a Rumor; The building at Shanghai's "Lotus Riverside" apartment complex collapse in china, Building Collapse In Sanpada False News It in China Shanghai

The building, one of 11 in a wider project, fell over early on Saturday when pillars that were supposed to be buried deep under the earth were uprooted. The event has sparked worries about construction safety in China.reports bbc news. check out photos of building collapse in china, shanghai at bbc news.

The rumor on the internet that this incidence took place in Sanpada, Mumbai, is worrying mumbaikar's but its Rumor: Propety blog

more photos of building collapse in china, sanpada building collapse, building collapse in shanghai, sanpada tower collapse, jp morgan india at Shanghai holds 9 linked with building collapse

The pictures building collapse in china that of Shanghai and it happended on 27th/ 29th June 09

What Caused The Collapse?

Is a case of shoddy construction – known in China as "tofu-dregs" construction. reports npr
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DET 09 Results at hscs.org of HSCS Result Haryana State Counseling Society

Here is update on det result 2009 HARYANA. New result 2009 det haryana was published yesterday, but the site www.hscs.in/ is showing as attacked site, find update latest det result site list of haryana. HARYANA STATE COUNSELING SOCIETY recently announced results for DET 2009 examinations . Department of Technical Education has conducted examinations for Diploma Pharmacy,Diploma Management & Diploma Engineering.
haryana state counselling society result 2009. Haryana result. HSCS (Haryana State Counseling Society) DET Results 2009
HSCS Haryana State Counseling Society-det counciling.

Haryana State Counseling Society (HSCS), Department of Technical Education (DTE), Govt of Haryana. HSCS has conducted Entrance Test for admission into polytechnics for Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Pharmacy and Diploma in Management.

HSCS official website at http://www.hscs.in/

The result of HSCS entrance examination 2009 is announced
To view the HSCS results site:

1. http://www.hscs.in/Result.aspx
2. www.hscs.org/Result.aspx
3. http://hscs.net.in/result.aspx
4. HSCS entrance Merit List

Result of B.Pharmacy, B.E/B.Tech (Lateral Entry),B.Pharmacy (Lateral Entry),MCA. will be available on http://www.onlinetesthry.nic.in/frmviewresult.aspx

haryana state counselling society result.haryana result. haryana det results 2009. HSCS (Haryana State Counseling Society) DET Results 2009, det result 2009, HARYANA. new result 2009 det haryana. det exam result.det result 2009/haryana. hssc panchkula polytechnic result. det result haryana.hscs entrance result of polytechnic 2009. HSCS Results 2009 : HSCS Panchkula : HSCS Result 2009
contact DET 09 Results at hscs.org of HSCS Result Haryana State Counseling Society
Toll Free Help:18004202026(24 hrs)
Toll Free Help:18001802026(24 hrs)
Other Nos: 0172-6579501/2/3/4/5
(Between 10.00 am to 06.00 pm)
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SSC Scholarship 2009 by Infosys Prerana Written Exam

Dear Students,
If you have come across any bright students coming from poor financial background who have finished their 10th standard (SSC Exam) this year (April 2009) and scored more than 80%,
please ask them to contact the NGO-Prerana (supported by Infosys foundation).
The NGO is conducting a written test and those who clear the test will be eligible for financial help for their further studies.
Please ask the students to contact the people mentioned below to get the form
#580,shubhakar,44th cross,1st 'A' main road, jayanagar 7th block
Bangalore-mob no- 09900906338(saraswati)
Mr.Shivkumar (09986630301) - Hanumanthnagar office
Ms.Bindu (09964534667) - Yeshwantpur office

Even if you don't know anyone, please pass on this info, some one might be in need of this help desperately.

Thanks and good luck.
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BITS Admission BITSAT 2009 Results of BITS pilani

Update from BITSAT-2009; BITS pilani declared first cut marks for BITSAT 09, of Candidate marks report, BITSAT-2009.
BITSAT, is the online entrance examination conducted by BITS, Pilani,
BITSAT BITS, Admission Test 2009 first round results online
Check marks report, BITSAT-2009 here at
http://www.bitsadmission.com/bitsat/CANDIDATESCORE/Appno.asp .

For more information about the examination and information related to the examination BITSAT
BITSAT 2009 at http://www.bitsadmission.com/bitsat/bitsatmain.html

Good luck for bitsat results, bitsat, bits pilani, bitsat 2009 results, bitsat 2009 result; bits pilani, bitsat results, bits, bits goa, bits admissions
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Karnataka diploma result 2009 | Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Result 2009

Update from DTE board : Karnataka Diploma Results 2009
Department of Technical Education(DTE), Karnataka declared Karnataka polytechnic examination results.
Students can get their diploma results karnataka from the official website.

1. http://www.smartdte.in/ResultNEW/resultnew.aspx
2. www.shimoga.net/results.aspx.
3. Smartdte.in

All the best to students
source RESULTS
Register No. : Home Results.at www.smartdte.in/ResultNEW/resultnew.aspx

KARNATAKA DIPLOMA EXAM RESULT 2009. diploma results karnataka 2009. Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Results 2008 . Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Results 2009; karnatakadiplomaresult2009.com. diploma results shimoga july 2009. shimoga.net diploma results june 2009. DTE Board Karnataka, Karnataka Diploma 2009 Results, karnataka diploma results, karnataka diploma results 2009, Karnataka DTE Board, Karnataka DTE Board Website, Karnataka Polytechnic E,am 2009 Results, Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Results, Karnataka Polytechnic Exam Results 2009, smartdte.in
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periyar university results updates
Periyar University conducts regular examinations during the months of Nov-Dec and April-May of every year.


Periyar University Results 2009

The University has setup a different website for result, at periyarresults.org.in Latest Results : APR - MAY 2009 - U.G RESULTS

check results at periyarresults.org.in/
periyar university, periyarresults.org.in, periyar results,

periyar university contact
University Administrative Official
University Board (EPBX) :0427 - 2345766, 2345520
2346277,2346265 - 69
source information visit www.periyaruniversity.ac.in periyar university results 2008, periyar university, www.periyaruniversity.ac.in, university results, periyar university result,periyar university 2008 results,periyar university 2009 results,periyar university ug results,periyar periyar university 6th semester results. Periyar University U.G. Exam Results 2009
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DSC Result 2008 | DSC 2009 Results Online & on SMS

Andhra Pradesh Teachers recruitment examination
DSC (District Selection Committee) 2008 Result announced today (30th June'09) at around 4 P.M. by Minister for Secondary Education D. Manikya Vara Prasad at Indira Priyadarshini auditorium, Public Gardens,
Department of School Education, government of Andhra Pradesh has issued notification for DSC 2009 to fill vacancies of teacher posts in government schools in Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Pradesh Teachers recruitment DSC 2008 declared on Jun 30 2009.

The Andhra Pradesh Government conducted the DSC exam in May 2009.

AP DSC 2009 Results (http://results.bharatstudent.com/dsc-results-2009.php)
AP DSC Results 2009 (http://aponline.gov.in/)
published on 30th June 2009 at 4:00 PM

DSC Result 2008
DSC 2008 results . DSC examination results published on 30th June 2009.

DSC Result via IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

Candidates can find their results through interactive voice response through a BSNL land line or a mobile by dialling 12630099 and 1255560.

DSC Result on SMS:

SMS: DSC2008 hall ticket no. send to 55352, 56300, 57777, 56505 and 56666.

The DSC 2008 Results Links :

* http://www.manabadi.com/
* http://www.schools9.com/
* http://www.deccanpost.in/
* http://www.indg.in/
* http://www.aponline.gov.in/
* http://results.bharatstudent.com/dsc-results-2009.php
* DSC Info source
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