Sunday, June 28, 2009

GTU GCET 2009 Results of GTU-Gujarat Technical University

Gujarat Technical University - GTU GCET 2009 Results info
This year Gujarat Technical University - GTU conducting admission test Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GCET) 2009 for admission to MBA and MCA in almost all colleges in Gujarat which offer MBA and MCA courses.

GTU results can be checked at
  2. Gujarat Results

Use GTU GCET login info from

GCET-Login Results of Pending Cases Degree Engineering-2008-09.
New Test Center Added- Bhavnagar
Official Website of Gujarat Technical University is

GTU : : Gujarat Technological University, GTU website
Gujarat Technological University GTU gcet 2009 contact
L.D College of Engineering Campus, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad -380 0015
Phone: 079-2630 0499, 079-2630 0599 Fax : 079-2630 1500
gcet 2009, gcet, gujarat technical university,

GCET-2009 helpline number is 079 26855444.
Help Line Contact No: 26855444.

However if you are looking for the results from the university please visit : GTU Results
GCET 2009 Result, GTU GCET Results 2009, GCET MBA/MCA result 2009,
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AP Inter 1st year Advanced Supplementary (Gen)- 2009 Results

A.P.Board Of Intermediate Education Advanced Supplementary 2009 Examination Results update; AP Inter 1st year Advanced Supplementary (Gen)- 2009 Results, are declared today;

AP Inter 1st year advanced supplemeantary results check here The Board of Intermediate Education of Andhr Pradesh announced the Inter 1st year results:

Intermediate Advanced Supplimentary Results: Inter 1st year results online links< Inter First Yeard Advanced Supplementary(Andhra Pradesh)
Working Links to check the Inter Advanced Supplementary results to check Online: at
Today these websites publishes the Intermediate Exam Results of both the 1st and 2nd year

The Board of Intermediate Education , was established in the year 1971. The main purpose
to introduce this course is to regulate & supervise the system.

Andhra Pradesh is the first state in India to adopt 10+2+3 kind of education system.
IPE has General Courses as well as the Vocational, where the latter shall help the students
with a path to employment through the specialized knowledge gained. The general courses
are MPC, Bi.P.C, MEC, CEC and so on.

Inter results 2009 through SMS / IVR

BSNL Land line users : Call to IVRS no: 12630099 or 125560

I Year Inter Results Through SMS: S9 IPE1 HTNO SMS 56363

Find Inter 2nd year results : click here

Update on AP Inter 1st year Advanced Supplementary - 2009 Results are out; check direct links;
advanced supplementary results inter first year.

AP Inter 1st year Advanced Supplementary - 2009 Results.
inter 1 year advanced supplementary 2009 results.

Advanced Supplementary 2009 Examination Results with marks.

intermediate supplementary result.

Related ap board of intermdiate result; AP inter 1st year supplementary results tata phone numbers. intermediate Advanced Supplementary 2009 Examination Results . www.intermeadiate.Result. intermediate advanced supplementary results 2009.
AP final year intermediate supplement results 2009.
getting the list of marks of AP BIE Inter II Year (General) Supplementary 2009.
ap inter 1 st year supplementary results 2009.
inter first year advanced supplementary results 0n 2009 .
Some more links to check the results online
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Jamia Millia JNU Delhi Results 2009

check out entrance result test-2009 of jamia millia. at
and not at result of b tech. results2009.

JMI Diploma Entrance Test Result 2009 | Jamia Millia Islamia Polytechnic Entrance Results; result b-tech.
Results of Admission Entrance Tests 2009-2010 or direct link
Also Jamia Millia Islamia declared its entrance results of Diploma Engineering (Polytechnic) 2009.
JMI Diploma Entrance Test Result 2009

Aug 4, 2008 ... National Islamic University, New Delhi, India. Information about course, structure, and history.
Jamia millia islamia entrance test results, jamia millia islamia entrance results 2009, jamia millia islamia results

jnu delhi, jamia milia islamia, jnu, hyderabad university, jamia
There are no colleges affiliated to the university anywhere else. The university provides a large number of courses at school, undergraduate and postgraduate level.
jamia millia islamia; jamia, jnu delhi, jnu, cbec, jamia milia
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MP PET 2009 Exam Result at results

PEPT & PAT : For entrance to Bachelor of Engineering, Pharmacy, Dairy, Agriculture, Forestry degree/diploma courses PMT : For entrance to MBBS / BDS / BVSc Degree Courses

Latest update on MP PET Result 2009. MP PET Result 2009 update
mp pet 2009 result, mp pet 2009 results, mp pet results 2009
This year 2009 the exam is conducted on 07 & 08/06/09. In this exam a lot of student took this exam.

MP PET Result 2009 will be announced.
You can see your MP PET Result 2009 at following links
  1. MP PET
  2. MP PET Result 2009
Exam related information of MP PET Result 2009 click on following link :-

MP PET Result 2009
"Chayan Bhawan", Main Road No.1, Chinar Park (East), Bhopal - 462011
Phone No.: 0755-2578801-04, Fax : 0755-2550498, 0755-2554826
MP PET Result 2009, MP PET Results, mp pet 2009, mp pet exam 2009,
The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board was initially set-up as Pre Medical Test Board by Government of Madhya Pradesh in the year 1970. Later, in the year 1981, Pre Engineering Board was constituted. Soon after, in the year 1982 both these Boards were amalgamated and named as Professional Examination Board (P.E.B.). mp pet 2009, mppet results, mp pet results 2009, mp pet 2009 answer key, pet solutions, Madya Pradesh pet,
mp pet results, pre engineering test exams, exam resutsl, pet sotions, 2008 key download, download 2009 key. Bhopal pet results, bhopal pet results
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JNTU Btech 3-2 results JNTU Results at

Update on your search for online jntu results. JNTU B.Tech 3rd Year 2nd Sem 2009 3-2 results. jntu results 3-2 2009
JNTU Results JNTU 3 2 Results JNTU Btech Result at

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) Hyderabad will announce B.Tech Regular Results today in official website
The site seems down for some time, students are advised to try after some time.

else keep visiting this page, will update the direct links for JNTU 3 2 Results JNTU Btech Result from

JNTU Examination Branch

Enter Hall Ticket Number. Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 085, Andhra Pradesh, India Grams : 'Technology' Phones : +91-040-2315 8661 to 2315 8664. ...

JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 085, Andhra Pradesh, India
jntu results, jntu hyderabad, jntu 3 2 results, jntu 3 2 results 2009, jntu btech results
jntu ac results htno.
jntu results, jntu, jntu 3 2 results 2009, jawaharlal nehru technological university jntu, jnturesults
First established as the Hyderabad Polytechnic Institute, the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (name changed in 1972) is located in Hyderabad, India focusing mainly on engineering. JNTU also has campuses in the districts of Kakinada and Anantapur in the State.
First Technological University in India. 3-2 results of jntu hyderabad.
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Anna University TANCET 2009 Results at Annauniv edu tancet exam results Online Links

Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) Results 2009
Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) is conducted each year by TNSF for those students who desire to M.Tech, MBA, MCA, ME, M.Arch Degree course in Chennai.
The Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) 2009 conducted in various centers as Chennai, Combatore, Erode, Karikudi, Chidambaram, Triunelveli, Villupuram, Thanjavur, Vellor, Madurai, Nagercoil, Salem and Virudhunager. A notification regarding the TANCET 2009

TANCET 2009 in Chennai

TANCET 2009 Results visit

If the link is not working, please dont get discouraged. It will start working when the results out.
Anna University Results

Anna University semester exam results will be published at
  1. and
  2. or direct link

Madras University Results are also published at and
anna-university-results at

Candidates interested in pursuing their MBA and MCA with Anna University can apply for the same with the TANCET scores. For MBA there are two options - Full time or Part time. You can find more
  1. MBA application 2009 details at
  2. MCA application 2009 details at
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slc 2065 result has been published for nepal...

SLC 2065 of nepal has been published and according to information said that
in the regular 68.70 % published..
if u want to know thw result

click the following link

link1....slc result 2065
link 2...slc result 2065
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online result for Saintgits College of Engineering Admission and Rank List 2009 published

online result for Saintgits College of Engineering Admission and Rank List 2009 published

click the following link for youe answer

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online result for Rajasthan Pre Pharmacy Test 2009 - Entrance Examination Notification published

online result for Rajasthan Pre Pharmacy Test 2009 - Entrance Examination Notification published

click the gollowing link for it

RPPT (Rajasthan Pre Pharmacy Test) 2009
Entrance Examination Notification
Exam result will be available on Notice Board of Rajasthan Nursing College, SMS Hospital on and and
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online Poly Admission for Polytechnic Admission 2009

online Poly Admission for Polytechnic Admission 2009

click the following link for the processing
Polytechnic Colleges 2009-10 Application Details

here are the admission schedule

Polytechnic Admission 2009-10 Schedule :
Publication of Provisional Rank list & Trial Allotment : 27th June 2009
Last date for Appeal & Submitting Revised Options : 1st July 2009
Publication of Final Rank List & First Select List : 4th July 2009
Date of Admission based on First Select List : Up to 9th July 2009
Publication of Second Select List : 14th July 2009
Date of Admission based on Second Select List : Up to 18th July 2009
Related : poly admission, polyadmissions, poly admissions, polytechnic admission, polytechnic, Poly Admission, Polytechnic Admission 2009, Kerala Polytechnic Results, Polytechnic Allotment, polyadmission, Polytechnic Admission Kerala 2009, polyadmission 2009,
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online result for Rajasthan University Praveshika 2009 Result published

online result for Rajasthan University Praveshika 2009 Result published

click the following link for the result
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FYJC (Mumbai )11th Standard processing for Online Admission

FYJC (Mumbai )11th Standard processing for Online Admission
click the following link for it

FYJC Mumbai Online Admission
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SSC Junior Engineers Exam Results 2008-2009 published

SSC Junior Engineers Exam Results 2008-2009 published

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) declared Junior Engineers (Civil & Electrical) published
click the following links for the result

Junior Engineers ( Civil & Electrical ) Examination 2008 Results
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South Gujarat University(SGU ) Results and Merit List 2009-2010 published

South Gujarat University(SGU ) Results and Merit List 2009-2010 published
click the following links for the results

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Bharathiar University UG Exam Results 2009 published

Bharathiar University UG Exam Results 2009 published

click the following link for the result
Bharathiar University UG Results 2009
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Friday, June 26, 2009

Andra Pradesh Intermediate Supplementary Results 2009 Published

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lucknow University has released the lu merit cut-offs

Lucknow University has released the lu merit cut-offs for all undergraduate (UG) courses except BA. The lists for
lu cutoff BSc (maths and bio
group), lu cut off for BBA , lu cut off for BCom, lu cut off for BCom (honours), lu cut off for BA (honours) lu cut off for LLB (honours) have been declared.

The lu cut off lists have been displayed on LU website ( and at the dean offices. The lucknow university for UG courses will commence from June 23 and continue till July 7. Candidates will have to check where they figure in the merit lists.

The lu cut off lists have been released for all category of candidates including high merit holders, OBC and SC/ST. The lu cut off lists have been separately declared for candidates who have passed their class 12 examination in UP Board, CBSE and ISC. The lu cut off lists have also been declared for waiting list.

Even those who fall under the waiting lu cut off lists can appear on the lucknow university counselling dates . But, they would be allocated seats only if seats would be available. Candidates in open list will be given preference as they are high rankers. OBC/SC/ST students who appear in open list will also figure in the lu cut off lists for OBC/SC/ST.

If candidates fail to secure seats in a particular course during lucknow university counselling 2009 for open list, they can ask for same under the OBC/SC/ST list as well. Candidates are advised to check the procedure of lu ug counselling on the website -- -- before appearing in it since there are quite a few `firsts' this time.

The lucknow university counselling will be held at Students Union Bhawan near Registrar office. The lucknow university counselling will be held as per the fixed schedule. Candidates should ensure their presence when their name/rank/serial number is called for lucknow university counselling failing which their claim for admission will stand forfeited.

Candidates will have to submit full fee at the time of admission only. Candidates seeking benefit of reservation or weightage have to produce the required certificate at the time of admission.

If a candidate does not deposit the fee on the day, his admission in lucknow university will be cancelled and seat will be allotted to the next candidate in the merit list. Candidates requiring zero fee facility will have to give their bank account details. The account should be in a nationalised bank.

Candidates submitting false information at the time of submitting the form will be denied admission. The basic fee will only be accepted through demand draft in favour of finance officer, University of Lucknow

related tags : lu ug counselling,lu ug counselling 2009 ,lu ug counselling cutoffs,lu ug counselling dates ,lu ug counselling schedule,lucknow university ug counselling,lucknow university counselling 2009,lucknow university ug counselling cutoffs ,lucknow university counselling dates ,lucknow university counselling schedule,
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eamcet allotment 2009 ,eamcet 2009 allotment ,eamcet allotment 2009 details

eamcet allotment 2009 ,eamcet 2009 allotment ,eamcet allotment 2009 details

Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test is conducted by JNT University on behalf of APSCHE. This examination is the gateway for entry into various professional courses offered in Government/Private Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

eamcet allotment 2009 will help students to join their interested group, colleges and will also clear some uncertainty and doubts for those who got higher eamcet ranks 2009 .according to the eamcet allotment 2009 notification for Engineering streams the classes will start in August 2009

As per the notification - eamcet seat allotment 2009 dates for admissions to engineering courses in the state will begin on July 16. The first phase will go on till July 31.

eamcet seat allotment 2009 schedule - mid july

A total of 2,51,737 candidates qualified for the engineering stream of eamcet allotment 2009 . There are 338 engineering colleges in the state which offer 1.21 lakh seats and 224 pharmacy colleges with an intake of 13,300 seats.

Latest Update is that the eamcet seat allotment 2009 will start by mid jullythe the sites and will be used for eamcet allotment 2009 . kindly let me know if you have information on alternate sites for eamcet allotment 2009

We now have the information related to the eamcet seat allotment 2009 , the exams were conducted sometime back and the results were declared in May.

related tags : eamcet seat allotment 2008 , list of colleges eamcet allotment,eamcet online allotment 2008,eamcet allotment schedule,eamcet 2008 cut offs , eamcet counceling dates,
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eamcet corecrux , eamcet corecrux website , eamcet corecrux links ,eamcet corecrux ranks

eamcet corecrux , eamcet corecrux website , eamcet corecrux links ,eamcet corecrux ranks

eamcet corecrux is a website to check your eamcet ranks and aother details related to eamcet 2009 . the actual link to eamcet corecrux is , its a private site not govt site hence the tld is not or or following is the links to the eamcet corecrux website

eamcet corecrux website links

eamcet corecrux website - link1

eamcet corecrux website -link2

related tags : eamcet corecrux, eamcet corecrux website ,eamcet corecrux links,eamcet corecrux ranks
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India's telecom sector has shown massive

India's telecom sector has shown massive upsurge in the recent years in all respects of industrial growth. From the status of state monopoly with very limited growth, it has grown in to the level of an industry. Telephone, whether fixed landline or mobile, is an essential necessity for the people of India.

This changing phase was possible with the economic development that followed the process of structuring the economy in the capitalistic pattern. Removal of restrictions on foreign capital investment and industrial de-licensing resulted in fast growth of this sector. At present the country's telecom industry has achieved a growth rate of 14 per cent. Till 2000, though cellular phone companies were present, fixed landlines were popular in most parts of the country.

With government of India setting up the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, and measures to allow new players country, the featured products in the segment came in to prominence. Today the industry offers services such as fixed landlines, WLL, GSM mobiles, CDMA and IP services to customers. Increasing competition among players allowed the prices drastically down by making the mobile facility accessible to the urban middle class population, and to a great extend in the rural areas. Even for small shopkeepers and factory workers a phone connection is not an unreachable luxury. Major players in the sector are BSNL, MTNL, Bharti Teleservices, Hutchisson Essar, BPL, Tata, Idea, etc. With the growth of telecom services, telecom equipment and accessories manufacturing has also grown in a big way.

Career in Telecom Sector

With telecom sector booming, career in the industry is very lucrative. The career path to the leading companies goes via telecom engineering. The telecom sector offers a variety of career options. There is room for everyone- a degree holder or a diploma holder, a candidate with a part-time certification course or one with a full-time degree.

The Certificate Courses for employment in the industry are:

a) Certificate in Telecom Engineering
b) Certificate in Information Technology
c) Certificate in Computer Science
d) Certificate in Management Information Systems
e) Certificate in Computer Forensics

The Diploma Programme offered is:

a) Diploma in Telecom Engineering

The Degree Programmes offered are:
a) Bachelor of Science in Telecom Engineering
b) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology/Informatics
c) Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
d) Bachelor of Science in Mobile Internet Communication Technology/Informatics

The degree programmes take 4 years for completion; the duration for certification courses varies from 6 months to 1 year.

jobs in telecom

Telecom Software Engineer Communication
Communication Engineer

Telecom System Solutions Engineer
Mobile Communication Engineer

Real-time Computer Systems Developer Design
Antenna Design Engineer

Telecom Hardware and Software Engineer
Telecommunications Equipment Designer

Performance Optimizer Management

DSP Chip Design Engineer
Technical Support Provider

Image Processor
Research Projects Supervisor

Video Engineer

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Engineer

The companies employing telecom engineers are:

Public sector organizations: BEL, ISRO, DRDO labs, ITI, CDOT

Private organizations: Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Siemens Communication, National Instruments, Oracle, Honeywell, IT solutions, Digital, Tata Elxsi, Intel, etc.

Future of employment in the sector

The emergence of advance technologies and the high growth rate of the industry hold a lot of promise to the jobseekers. In the future, communication sector is going to employ more people than electronics, computer science or common basic sciences, as is shown in the following chart:
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kalyani kalyani university bcom results are given below

kalyani university results of kalyani are to be anounced ,students who have taken up the kalyani university test are egerly awaiting their kalyani university bcom 2009 results. the official website that declares the kalyani university 2009 results is the official website for kalyani kalyani university 2009 results, is the only site from which you can get your kalyani university bcom 2009 results its not or that people mistake for the wesite were they can get the kalyani university 2009 results

the links to kalyani kalyani university bcom results are given below

kalyani university results link1

kalyani university bcom results link2

related tags : kalyani university bcom 2009 results,kalyani university bcom 2009 result,kalyani university bcom results,kalyani university bcom results 2009,
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bsnl jto solutions for the bsnl jto exam conducted on june 21st ,bsnl 2009 jto solutions are given below

bsnl jto solutions for the bsnl jto exam conducted on june 21st ,bsnl 2009 jto solutions are given below

bsnl jto solutions (this is not the official key of bsnl !)


1. Resident of INC : Annie Besant

2. I have a dream : Martin luther king

3. Khudai Khidmatgar : Abdul Gaffar Khan

4. Anakgesis druges : aches and pain

5. CD : Compact disc

6. Chandrayan-I : Moon Impact probe

7. WWW : Tim berners-Lee(also Known as father of WEB)

8. The story of my life : Morarji desai

9. Thrugh Thick and thin : under all condition

10. I have a dream speech : Matin luther king

11. Diligent : Industrious

Answer key for set D is as following –

Sec-I Ans.
1 A
2 C
3 C
4 D
5 A
6 B
7 D
8 C
9 C
10 A
11 D
12 B
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 B
17 D
18 B
19 A
20 A
21 C
22 A
23 D
24 D
25 B
26 B
27 C
28 C
29 C
30 B
31 A
32 17/15(C)
33 B
34 A
35 A
36 C
37 C
38 A
39 B
40 D
41 D
42 A
43 A
44 B
45 A
46 A
47 A
48 C
49 A
50 C
1 D
2 A
3 A
4 A
5 C
6 C
7 C
8 D
9 B
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 C
15 D
16 A
17 C
18 C
19 D
20 B
21 D
22 D
23 B
24 A
25 A
26 A
27 B
28 B
29 C
30 A
31 B
32 D
33 A
34 C
35 B
36 B
37 C
38 D
39 A
40 D
41 A
42 B
43 B
44 D
45 B
46 B
47 B
48 A
49 B
50 C
1 C
2 A
3 B
4 D
5 B
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 C
11 D
12 B
13 C
14 A
16 D
17 C
18 D
19 A
20 C

correct answer of set-A&BSET A SET B
Sec-I Sec-I
1 B 1 B
2 D 2 D
3 C 3 B
4 C 4 A
5 A 5 A
6 D 6 A
7 B 7 C
8 B 8 C
9 B 9 D
10 C 10 A
11 B 11 B
12 D 12 D
13 B 13 C
14 A 14 C
15 A 15 A
16 A 16 D
17 C 17 B
18 C 18 B
19 D 19 B
20 A 20 C
21 B 21 B
22 A 22 A
23 17/15(c) 23 A
24 B 24 A
25 A 25 C
26 A 26 A
27 C 27 C
28 C 28 C
29 A 29 A
30 B 30 D
31 D 31 D
32 D 32 B
33 D 33 B
34 A 34 A
35 B 35 C
36 A 36 C
37 A 37 B
38 A 38 A
39 C 39 17/15(c)
40 A 40 B
41 C 41 A
42 C 42 A
43 A 43 C
44 D 44 C
45 D 45 A
46 B 46 B
47 B 47 D
48 A 48 D
49 C 49 D
50 C 50 A
Sec-II Sec-II
1 C 1 A
2 C 2 C
3 D 3 C
4 B 4 D
5 D 5 B
6 A 6 D
7 B 7 A
8 C 8 A
9 C 9 A
10 D 10 C
11 A 11 C
12 C 12 C
13 C 13 D
14 D 14 B
15 B 15 D
16 D 16 A
17 A 17 B
18 A 18 C
19 A 19 C
20 C 20 D
21 A 21 D
22 B 22 B
23 D 23 B
24 A 24 B
25 C 25 A
26 B 26 B
27 B 27 C
28 C 28 D
29 D 29 D
30 A 30 B
31 D 31 A
32 A 32 A
33 B 33 A
34 B 34 C
35 D 35 B
36 B 36 C
37 B 37 A
38 B 38 B
39 A 39 D
40 B 40 A
41 C 41 C
42 D 42 B
43 D 43 B
44 B 44 C
45 A 45 D
46 A 46 A
47 A 47 D
48 C 48 A
49 B 49 B
50 C 50 B
1 D 1 D
2 A 2 B
3 D 3 B
4 B 4 C
5 C 5
6 D 6 D
7 B 7 C
8 B 8 D
9 C 9 A
10 10 C
11 D 11 C
12 C 12 A
13 D 13 B
14 A 14 D
15 C 15 B
16 C 16 D
17 A 17 A
18 B 18 D
19 D 19 B
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dte mah mba cet 2009 results of maharashtra are to be anounced

dte mah mba cet 2009 results of maharashtra are to be anounced ,students who have taken up the dte mah mba cet test are egerly awaiting their dte mah mba cet 2009 results. the official website that declares the dte mah mba cet 2009 results is the official website for maharashtra dte mah mba cet 2009 results, is the only site from which you can get your dte mah mba cet results its not or that people mistake for the website were they can get the dte mah mba cet 2009 results

the links to maharashtra dte mah mba cet 2009 results are given below

dte mah mba cet results 2009 link1

dte mah mba cet results 2009 link2

related tags : dte mah mba cet 2009 results,dte mah mba cet 2009 result,dte mah mba cet results,dte mah mba cet results 2009,dte mah mba cet cut offs,good colleges under dte mah mba cet 2009 ,dte mah mba cet counselling dates
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annauniv june 2009 results of 4th sem and 6th sem are to be anounced

annauniv june 2009 results of 4th sem and 6th sem are to be anounced ,students who have taken up the annauniv june test are egerly awaiting their annauniv june 2009 results. the official website that declares the annauniv june 2009 results is the official website for 4th sem and 6th sem annauniv june 2009 results, is the only site from which you can get your annauniv june 2009 results its not or that people mistake for the wesite were they can get the annauniv june 2009 results

the links to 4th sem and 6th sem annauniv june 2009 results are given below

annauniv june 2009 results link1

alternative links for annauniv june 2009 results

ellamey anna univ results

squarebrothers anna univ results

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3. chennaieducation anna univ results

4. sivaji tv anna univ results

5. anna univ results link

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medical colleges in maharashtra ,top medical colleges in maharashtra, admission to medical colleges in maharashtra

medical colleges in maharashtra ,top medical colleges in maharashtra, admission to medical colleges in maharashtra

The city-based B J Medical College (BJMC) is one of the top medical colleges in maharashtra in the state for courses in health sciences. This fact is
apparent from the MHT-CET cut-offs, ie the percentage point where admission ends at a given institution the medical colleges in maharashtra.
Earn from home upto Rs.20000 monthly ! click here

top 5 medical colleges in maharashtra

G S Medical College

Lokmanya Tilak Medical College in Sion

Grant Medical College, Mumbai


cut offs for top medical colleges in maharashtra

G S Medical College cut off- 188

Lokmanya Tilak Medical College cut off 2008 - 185

Grant Medical College cut off 2008 - 179

4. BJMC cut off 2008- 179

According to the last year's cut-offs among government medical colleges in maharashtra, Mumbai's G S Medical College finished with a cut-off of 188 marks, Lokmanya Tilak Medical College in Sion finished with 185, followed by the Grant Medical College, Mumbai with 179 and the BJMC at 176 marks.

According to Kalpana Kelkar, the liaisoning officer for Pune for the MHT-CET examination, medical colleges in maharashtra "Students in the state give first preference to GS Medical college while the Grant Medical College and BJMC get second preference."

The MHT-CET is a combined entrance test conducted by the Maharashtra government for admission to the first-year degree courses in engineering, pharmacy and medical colleges in maharashtra . The test annually draws more than 2 lakh students not only from all over Maharashtra but also from other states.

Kelkar added, "Mumbai gets first preference because of its location. Most students within the state as well as from outside Maharashtra prefer Mumbai for its charisma. Pune is their next preference, since it is an educational hub and close to Mumbai."

Last year, 3,785 medical and 3,935 pharmacy seats were up for grabs at various medical colleges in maharashtra in the state. Besides MHT-CET, another aptitude examination by the Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges (AMUPMDC), called Asso-CET, is conducted yearly for private colleges.

While K J Somaiya College in Mumbai is largely preferred by medical aspirants and had topped the cut-off list last year with 184 marks, cut offs for medical colleges in maharashtra the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education & Research (MIMER), Talegaon Dabhade, also stands among the top three private medical colleges in the city.

An official at the admissions department of MIMER said, "Both Somaiya College and MIMER offer great choices in terms of branches in health sciences
medical colleges in maharashtra . This is one of the reasons why both colleges are most preferred. Besides, Pune and Mumbai are favourite locations for students as there is scope for building the career as well."

related tags :
medical colleges in maharashtra, best medical college in maharashtra,top 5 medical colleges in maharashtra,medical colleges cut off in mhtcet,medical colleges in maharashtra mumbai,
Continue Reading.. ,,, dmer result

0 comments ,,, dmer result 2009,mht cet 2009 results, dmer, mht cet 2009, mht cet result 2009, seee maharashtra 2009

the site for maharashtra mht cet result 2009 will be declared in the official site is not, ppl are searching for for up mht cet 2009 in but the real site for the dmer result is

the official up mht cet result website is -link -
link -

dmer.nic -link -link

related tags,,,,cet results maharashtra, cet exam result maharashtra, mht cet result maharashtra, mhcet results 2009, cet maharashtra 2009
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icar aieea ug results 2009,icar aieea pg results,icar exam results,,

icar aieea ug results, icar aieea ug result , icar ug results 2009

the icar aieea ug results are expected shortly ,as in the case of theis icar aieea ug results 2009 the icar aieea ugniversity has to evaluate just 3papers in ug, hence its belived that may 2009 results of 8th icar aieea ug will be out within a week , it is also spculated that the date of declaration of icar aieea ug results is 7th of june, but we do know that in case of icar aieea ug results 2009 theses always been speculation of the results and finally the results comes after 10 dates of the speculated date. so this time we ca expect that icar university result will be out by 15th of june and the reevaluation of icar aieea ug results 2009 will be done in a weeks time as the students need the provitional certificate after the declaration of the 8thsem results.icar aieea ug results is out only for ug and pg students icar aieea ug results for arrear students will be declared alog withIndian Council of Agricultural Research university result may june 2009 results.

icar aieea ug results 2009 - are out...!!!

links for icar aieea ug results 2009

the site for results 2009 will be declared in the official site is not, ppl are searching for for 2009 in but the real site for the icar result is

the official website is -link

related tags :

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Counselling for ANNAUNIVERSITY COimbatore TANCET 2009

, list of colleges anna university tancet , good college ,anna university tancet 2009 ,

to apply for anna university tancet counselling one should fill the following form and submit before june 30

tancet counselling mba application form

tancet counselling mca application form

I n order to expedite the admission process, Candidates may be called for cost and risk. More number of candidates than the seats available may be called and seats will be filled on the basis of merit tancet counselling 2009 among the candidates present at the time of counselling following the rule of reservation
prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

Candidates who do not attend the tancet counselling 2009 on the prescribed date and time can not claim any right for admission at a later date. Candidates who have passed all the subjects of the qualifying examination alone will be permitted to attend the tancet counselling 2009 .

When a candidate is provisionally selected in for admission during tancet counselling 2009 he/she is required to remit initial sum of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) in the form of DD immediately and join the programme. Otherwise the offer of admission will automatically stand

Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination but has not yet received the provisional/ Degree certificate have to produce the provisional / degree certificate on or before 02.09.2009. The provisional admission of those candidates who fail to produce the said certificate on or before the specified date of tancet counselling 2009 , even if eligible otherwise, will automatically stand cancelled, such candidates have to discontinue the programme.

IMPORTANT DATES - anna university tancet counselling schedule

Last Date for receipt of completed application: 30.06.2009 by 5.30 pm .

anna university tancet 2009 rank list

when is anna university tancet counselling 2009 - from 25 july (tentative)
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ANNA university grade system information

anna university coimbatore grade system | anna university coimbatore grading system details | annauniv grading system

The University has adopted the Grading system, and “Grade Point Average” instead of the traditional marks system and will publish mark lists eventually with “SGPA” or “Semester Grade Point Average” and later from 2nd Semester onwards by “CGPA” or the “Cumulative Grade Point Average“ system.

This system has grades varying from “O” which is “Outstanding”, “E” for “Excellent”, “A” for “Very Good”, “B” for “Good”, “C” for “Above Average”, “D” for “Average” and “S” for “Satisfactory”. The notation of “F(I)” stands for “Failed (in Internal)”; “F(X)” stands for “Failed in External”, “F(B)” stands for “Failed in both”; “I” for “Incomplete data” .

anna university coimbatoreersity grade system | anna university coimbatoreersity grading system | annauniv grading system

anna university coimbatore grade system IS EFFECT FROM 2008 BATCH , the details of the anna university coimbatore grade system is as follows . hope this this anna university coimbatore grade system also shows improvements in this test patterns.

HOW TO CALCULATE GPA SCORE FROM anna university coimbatore grade system ?

heres the procedure : - click here

RELATED TAGS : anna university coimbatore grade system details ,anna university coimbatore grade system ,anna university coimbatoreersity grading system,anna university coimbatore grading system,how is anna university coimbatore grade system,anna university coimbatore Results grade system,new grade system
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Friday, June 19, 2009

tnea random number results 2009

Anna University, Guindy authorities will assign tnea random numbers to all the applications. its this tnea random number which is used to determine the seniority list in case of a tie. The tnea random number will be used to break the tie if more than one candidate had scored the same cut-off and shared the same date of birth. After the rank list is published

related tags : tnea random number results,tnea random number results 2009,tnea random numbers results , annauniv tnea random number results,tnea randomnumber results ,tnea random number result ,tnea 2009 random number results.anna university tnea random number results
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rpet 2009 answer key

rpet 2009 answer key| rpet 2009 solutions | rpet 2009 answers

the rpet 2009 - Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Exam was conducted on 18th june students are eagerly awating for the rpet 2009 answer key(rpet 2009 solution),

for rpet 2009 answer key - to be updated *

For reservation criteria, fee structure, tentative seat matrix and other details visit

related tags : rpet 2009 answer key,rpet 2009 solutions, rpet 2009 results, dce 2009 answer key, rpet 2009 solution, dce 2009 solutions download,rpet 2009 expected cutoff,rpet 2008 cut off
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lawcet 2009 | lawcet results 2009 links

lawcet results 2009 ,lawcet engg entrance results,lawcet results 2009,lawcet results at

the andhra law combined entrance test – (lawcet 2009 results) are declared today in the website the official website for lawcet results 2009, is the only site from which you can get your lawcet results 2009 its not or or that people mistake for the wesite were they can get the lawcet results 2009

links to lawcet results 2009

andhra lawcet results 2009 link1

andhra lawcet results 2009 link2

andhra law combined entrance test (lawcet results 2009) Academic Eligibility:
Admission to law course shall be open for the candidates who have passed the Bachelor
degree with not less than fifty percent i.e. integer 50% (rounding-off of aggregate percent is not permitted)
of the marks in the aggregate of all the years of the degree examinations.

related tags : lawcet results 2009 , ,lawcet results andhra ,lawcet results links,lawcet results websites, andhra law entrance results 2009,andhra engineering enterence,andhra medical entrance
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wbjee jem counselling | rules and eligibility

Important information pertaining to wbjee jem counselling rules and eligibility

the merit listed candidates (Engineering) of WBJEE – 2009 and AIEEE - 2009 for admission to degree level courses in Universities / Engineering / Technological and Pharmacy Colleges of West Bengal for the academic session 2009-10.

1) Venue of Counselling :


2) Application form for wbjee counselling 2009 :

Application form for appearing at the wbjee counselling 2009 may be down-loaded from the following websites w.e.f. 17th June, 2009.

3) Important documents to be brought positively by the candidates during wbjee counselling 2009:

(a) Counselling Application form (down-loaded) duly filled in and signed in specified places.

(b) Down-loaded JEM-2009 / AIEEE-2009 Rank Card.

(c) Original Admit Card of JEM-2009 / AIEEE-2009.

(d) Original Admit Card / Certificate of Madhyamik (10th standard) or equivalent examination or Birth Certificate from competent authority for verification of Age.

(e) Original Mark Sheet of Higher Secondary (10+2 standard) or equivalent examination for verification of the marks.

(f) In case of SC / ST / PC candidates of the State of West Bengal, original SC / ST / PC certificates issued by the competent authority for verification.

(g) Original NATA (National Aptitude Test for Architecture) clearance certificate (applicable for those intending to take admission to B. Architecture course).

(h) Attested Xerox copies of all testimonials for the purpose of admission.

Eligible candidates for wbjee jem counselling :

JEM-2009 following Rank Holders :

(A) Engineering rank holders :

General - 1 – 60,000

SC - 1 – 6116

ST - 1 – 562

PC - 1 – 490

(B) Medical rank holders (for B.Pharm course only) :
General - 1 – 1797
SC - 1 – 436
ST - 1 – 15
PC - 1 - 5

AIEEE-2009 following Rank Holders :
All India over all rank - 1 – 5,00,000

wbjee jem counselling for AIEEE rank holders :

(a) 10% seats in the self financing Private Engineering colleges will be filled up from the AIEEE candidates called for counselling on the basis of rank.

(b) If any candidate accepts allotment on the basis of his / her AIEEE rank, he/she will not be permitted to appear further in the counselling on the basis of his/her WBJEE rank.

(c) Counselling of AIEEE candidates in terms of schedule shall continue till that time seats are available in any branch of any self financing Private Engineering College and will be stopped as soon as the last vacant seat is filled up and no further queries in this regard will be entertained
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delhi police recruitment june 2009 details


delhi police recruitment , delhi police jobs,delhi police recruitment details

the ad for delhi police recruitment

recruitment of sub-inspector (executive)-male in delhi police - 2009

1. Applications are invited for delhi police recruitment to fill 400 vacant posts of Sub-Inspector (Executive)-Male in Delhi Police under the following categories in the pay scale of PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- and other allowances as admissible. delhi police recruitment will be held at Delhi for which candidates from all parts of the country fulfilling conditions mentioned hereunder can apply:-

Open 172 68 55 25 320
Departmental 21 09 07 03 40
Ex-servicemen 21 09 07 03 40

2. CLOSING DATE of applications for delhi police recruitment :

The last date of receipt of application form will be 18.02.2009. Applications received thereafter will not be entertained.

3. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS for delhi police recruitment :
    Applicant should be a bonafide citizen of INDIA.
    The minimum educational qualification required is a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university.
  3. AGE:
    20 to 25 years as on 01.01.2009, i.e. those born not earlier than 02.01.1984 and not later than 01.01.1989 will be
more info on delhi police recruitment click here

related tags : jobs in delhi police, delhi police sub-inspector recruitment, delhi police recruitment of sub-inspector, delhi police recruitment application forms,delhi police recruitment online application
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MJP Rohilkhand University Result 2009 | MJPRU Results | MJP Bareilly Result

Mjpru result 2009, mahatma jyotiba phule rohilkhand university result 2009, mjp rohilkhand university results,mjpru dee results 2009,mjp rohilkhand university bareilly

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University(MJPRU) was established in 1975. . In August 1997 Rohilkhand University was renamed as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University. It has 146 affiliated colleges. The University has included new faculties of engineering and technology ,Management, Applied Sciences, Education and Allied Sciences etc.

According to the available information the MJP Rohilkhand University will declare its results on 17th June 2009.

For more information and latest updates on MJP Rohilkhand University Result 2009 | MJPRU Results | MJP Bareilly Result kindly visit the official website -
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aieee 2009, aieee 2009 keys, aieee 2009 question paper, aieee 2009 ranks, aieee exam solutions

AIEEE 2009 Solutions & Answers Keys

AIEEE 2009 is another high pressure test engineering aspirants appear for
after the IIT-JEE. The stakes are loaded high in this extremely important
exam with many dreams resting on the outcome of this exam.

Naturally the anxiety and the stress doesn't reduce even after the exam is over. would make significant efforts in reducing this post exam
anxiety by making detailed solutions and answer key available for this test
immediately after the exam this year.

The AIEEE 2009 Solutions, AIEEE 2009 answer key, solutions,
expected cutoff and analysis would commence appearing at 1:30 pm
an hour after the exam gets over.

However, for expected cutoff and other related queries check out AIEEE 2009 Cutoff post and comment there.

Narayana AIEEE 2009 Solutions

Complete Solutions Answer Key

Career Launcher AIEEE 2009 Solutions

Analysis + Solutions

Career Point AIEEE 2009 Solutions

Paper with answers Answer Key

T.I.M.E AIEEE 2009 Solutions

Complete Solutions Analysis

Prerna Classes AIEEE 2009 Solutions

Physics Maths Chemistry

FIITJEE AIEEE 2009 Solutions

Brilliant-Tutorials AIEEE 2009 Solutions

related tags : aieee 2009 solutions, aieee 2009, fiitjee, aieee 2009 solution, aieee 2009 answers,prerna classes

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Osmania University PG Entrance Test (OUCET) Results 2009

Osmania University PG Entrance Test Results 2009 (OUCET) to be announced on 17th June 2009 at 1:30 PM. Osmania University (OU), is a public university and one of the prestigious and oldest modern universities in India. Visit bellow link and get Osmania University PG Entrance Test (OUCET) Results 2009 Online on 17th June after 1:30 PM.
Osmania University Available Shortly
Osmania Universtiy Results through SMS : Osmania University OUCET Results Through SMS (Type) S9 (Space) OUCET (Space) HTNO (Send SMS To) 56363
Tags : Osmania University PG Results (MA, MSc, MLi Sc, BLiSci & PG diploma courses) - 2009, Osmania PG Entrance Results, PG Entrance Results, OUCET Results, MA, MSc, MLi Sc, BLiSci Osmania CET Results, Osmania Results 2009. M.A Entrance Results Osmania, OU PG Entrance results 2009, OUCET 2009, OU PG Entrance Results 2009
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Osmania University PGCET 2009 Results | pgcet 2009 results

Osmania University
Osmania University PG Entrance Test Results 2009 (OUCET) announced on 17th June 2009 at 1:30 pm. Visit bellow link to get Osmania University PG Entrance Test (OUCET) Results 2009 Online.
Osmania Universtiy Results through SMS : SMS (Type) S9 (Space) OUCET (Space) HTNO (Send SMS To) 56363
Related : Osmania University, Osmania University PGCET 2009 Results, pgecet 2009 results, pgcet 2009, pgecet, pgecet2009
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Mithibai College Merit List 2009-2010

Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal's
Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science &
Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics
Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal's Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics will be announced First Year Merit List for Degree Courses.
Merrit list will be available on this site as per shedule
Related : Mithibai College, nm college, jai hind college, sydenham college, hr college, hinduja college
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Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Supplementary Latest Result 2009

Andhra Pradesh Board Results 2009
Board of Intermediate Education of Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) will be decleard Intermediate (Supplementary) General & Vocational II Year Examination 2009 Results. Advanced Supplementary 2009 Examination Results will be announced on 17th, June 2009 at 11:30 AM. Visit bellow link and get A.P.Board of Intermediate Education Advanced Supplementary 2009 Examination Results.
APBIE Inter II Year (General) Supplementary 2009
APBIE Inter II Year (Vocational) Supplementary 2009
Advanced Supplementary 2009 Examination Results Available at 11.30 AM
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MJP Rohilkhand University Results 2009 at

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University (MJP), Bareilly to be announced MJP Rohilkhand University Deee Results 2009. Results will be available at the official website
M.J.P. Rohilkhand University was established in 1975 as an affiliating University. Its status was upgraded to affiliating-cum-residential university in 1985 when four teaching Departments were established in the campus. In 1987 three more Departments were added. In August 1997 Rohilkhand University was renamed as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University. The University has taken an overall perspective of development plan and thereby modified University status by including new Faculties of Engineering and Technology, Management, Applied Sciences, Education and Allied Sciences etc. It has 146 affiliated colleges.
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solapur university | sucet latest results 2009

sucet results 2009 ,sucet engg entrance results,sucet results 2009,sucet results at

the solapur university combined entrance test – (sucet 2009 results) are declared today in the website the official website for sucet results 2009, is the only site from which you can get your sucet results 2009 its not or or that people mistake for the wesite were they can get the sucet results 2009

links to sucet results 2009

solapur university cet results 2009

solapur university cet results 2009

Engineering Stream: Engineering Degree Course in different Government/Private Engineering Institutes/Colleges situated in solapur university State.

solapur university pg combined entrance test (sucet results 2009) Academic Eligibility:
Admission to MBA course shall be open for the candidates who have passed the Bachelor
degree with not less than fifty percent i.e. integer 50% (rounding-off of aggregate percent is not permitted)
of the marks in the aggregate of all the years of the degree examinations.

mce and mba courses, in University
Departments and institutions affiliated to the following Universities- Bangalore, Gulbarga, Karnatak,
Kuvempu, Mangalore, Mysore, Tumkur, solapur university State Women’s University and Visvesvaraya

(sucet results 2009) Application procedure:
The application can be obtained on payment of Rs. 600/- ( Rs 300/- in case of solapur university
SC/ ST and Cat-I, on production of documentary proof) in the form of DD only, drawn in favour of
the Member Secretary, CPAC payable at Belgaum.

related tags : sucet results 2009 , ,sucet results solapur university ,sucet results links,sucet results websites, solapur university entrance results 2009,solapur
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pgcet results mba mca pgcet result 2009

pgcet results 2009 ,pgcet engg entrance results,pgcet results 2009,pgcet results at

the karnataka pg combined entrance test – (pgcet 2009 results) are declared today in the website the official website for pgcet results 2009, is the only site from which you can get your pgcet results 2009 its not or or that people mistake for the wesite were they can get the pgcet results 2009

links to pgcet results 2009

karnataka pgcet results 2009 link1

karnataka pgcet results 2009 link2

Engineering Stream: Engineering Degree Course in different Government/Private Engineering Institutes/Colleges situated in karnataka State.

karnataka pg combined entrance test (pgcet results 2009) Academic Eligibility:
Admission to MBA course shall be open for the candidates who have passed the Bachelor
degree with not less than fifty percent i.e. integer 50% (rounding-off of aggregate percent is not permitted)
of the marks in the aggregate of all the years of the degree examinations.

mce and mba courses, in University
Departments and institutions affiliated to the following Universities- Bangalore, Gulbarga, Karnatak,
Kuvempu, Mangalore, Mysore, Tumkur, Karnataka State Women’s University and Visvesvaraya

(pgcet results 2009) Application procedure:
The application can be obtained on payment of Rs. 600/- ( Rs 300/- in case of Karnataka
SC/ ST and Cat-I, on production of documentary proof) in the form of DD only, drawn in favour of
the Member Secretary, CPAC payable at Belgaum.

related tags : pgcet results 2009 , ,pgcet results karnataka ,pgcet results links,pgcet results websites, karnataka entrance results 2009,karnataka engineering enterence,karnataka medical entrance
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